Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Doe's Secret Code of Honor

I have been getting lots of phone calls and emails the past few days about my upcoming kiddings so I thought it was time for an update.
No, we do not have babies yet. I thought for sure last night was going to be the night for Strawberry, but after spending most of the night with her waiting for things to progress, she woke up this morning, feeling very good. Wanted to browse, and mingle with the herd. So that was just false hope. My does usually average about day 144 for birthing, this season they are holding out and going past that magical 145 day mark. I guess that is good as that just means healthier kids the longer they are inside of momma. But my, the anticipation is killing me.
At the moment I have 3 does in the "maternity barn" Hopi, Strawberry and Warpaint as all 3 are showing sign of being ready. What they are waiting on is beyond me. I guess they are waiting on that moment when I leave the property to do some much needed Christmas shopping. As for the past week I have put my life on hold for them. I have not left the farm in 3 days. Not even to make a quick trip to the grocery store. I do think the does are enjoying themselves, watching me pace around the barn, checking monitors to make sure they are working, feeling ligaments to see how far along they may be, and of course they like that extra handful of feed I offer with each check. They are living up to "The Doe's Secret Code of Honor" (see below) Maybe they are prolonging it due to all the "special" treatment they have been recieving over the past few days. They had better kid soon as my next group of does to kid is coming up early next week. I will have my handsful if everyone decides to give birth around the same time.
Well they can't keep those babies from me much longer as their days are running out... Hopi is already at day 147, Strawberry on day 146, and while Warpaint is only on day 141, she seems to be the closest in my opinion.
I will be sure to let everyone know as soon as the babies are born. I know some of you are as excited as I am to see the kids from this season. All I can tell you is the same thing I have been telling my self... it can't be much longer.

The Doe's Secret Code of Honor

The doe's secret code of honor is as old as goats themselves and is ultimately the species best kept secret. No doe shall ever kid before its time. (Its time being determined by the following factors):

1- No kid shall be born until total chaos has been reached by all involved. Your owner's house must be a wreck, their
family hungry and desperate for clean clothes, and their social life nonexistent.

2- "Midwives" must reach the babbling fool status before you kid out. Bloodshot eyes, tangled hair and the inability toform a sentence mean the time is getting close.

3- For every bell, beeper, camera or whistle they attach
to you, kidding must be delayed by at least one day for each an audio monitor, one good yell per hour will keep things interesting.

4- If you hear the words, "She's nowhere near ready.
She'll be fine while we're away for the weekend," Wait until they load the car, then begin pushing!

5- Owner stress must be at an all time high! If you are in the care of someone else, ten to fifteen phone calls a day is a sign you're getting close.

6- When you hear the words "I can't take it anymore!"
wait at least three more days.

7 -You must keep this waiting game interesting. False
alarms are mandatory! Little teasers such as looking at your
stomach, pushing your food around in the bucket and then walking away from it, and nesting, are always good for a rise. Be creative and find new things to do to keep the adrenaline pumping in those who wait.

8- The honor of all goats is now in your hands. Use this time to avenge all of your barn mates. Think about your friend who had to wear that silly costume in front of those people. Hang onto that baby for another day. OH, they made him do tricks too! Three more days seems fair. Late feedings, the dreaded diet, bad haircuts, those awful wormings can also be avenged at this time.

9- If you have fulfilled all of the above and are still not sure when to have the kids, listen to the weather forecast on
the radio that has been so generously provided by those who wait. Severe storm warning is what you're waiting for. In the heart of the storm jump into action! The power could go out and you could have the last laugh. You have a good chance of those who wait missing the whole thing while searching
for a flashlight that works!

10- Make the most of your interrupted nights. Beg for food each time someone comes into the barn to check you. Your barn mates will love you as the extra goodies fall their way too.

Remember, this code of honor was designed to remind
man of how truly special goats are. Do your best to reward those who wait with a beautiful doeling to carry on the Doe Code of Honor for the next generation of those who wait!

1 comment:

  1. That is just too funny and probably true. I can't wait till I can have some goats to drive me insane too.

    Great pictures.
