Friday, December 12, 2008

Sister Kidded!

After years and years of failed kiddings with Sister she finally delivered a beautiful daughter. Actually she had triplet does but only the first one was born alive. The other two were very small and stillborn. While this is very sad and breaks our heart that we lost two of the three, we are just blessed to even have one. For some reason Sister just isn't meant to carry babies. I am thinking it is something genetic that is making her miscarriage, and reabsorb her babies. But luckily we did get one darling little doe from her. And I mean little, as she is the smallest kid of the season. I am still up in the air of whether to ever breed her again. I do not wan to put her through this every season, as we may have just been fortunate to even have this one. I just don't know as there was clearly something amiss about this delivery as the babies were almost to small to even survive. But one is and she is lovely. Of course she will be retained to replace Sister should we decide to retire her now after blessing us with her daughter. What a beautiful doeling she is too. Actually she was the flashiest of the 3. So we were clearly blessed with the prettiest of them all. And believe me, we are more than honored to have her here with us. Thank you Sister for this wonderful gift!


  1. congratulations on the new baby!I am by no means wiht many years of experience but i would be afraid to breed sister again. Why have her go thru the work only to have stillborns. Will she pass the problems onto the doeling? I am asking only to learn more not critize. I only have six years with goats but I will love them for a lifetime.

  2. She is adorable. I would seriously think about retiring Sister as well. It seems sad but probably the best thing to do. Congratulations on the new arrival!
